SALES TAX PUBLIC HEARING                                                                   Posted 3.26.13

Public Hearings will be held during the Chelsea City Council Meetings on April 2nd and April 16th for a proposed sales tax increase of one-cent for major capital improvement projects.  City residents will have the opportunity to voice their opinion on the tax increase for the following projects:

  • Property purchase behind Chelsea High School for walking & biking trails and sports fields

  • Building a community center with basketball court, walking track, activity rooms and a stage for a community theater program on city property in the Foothills neighborhood off Old Highway 280.

  • Intersection redesign at Highways 47 & 39 leading to the middle & intermediate schools to address traffic congestion in the morning and afternoons

  • Construction of 4 tennis courts on Highway 51 

  • Paving King's Home Road near Hwy 39 and the new elementary school

The increase in the sales tax would bring the total rate in the city to 9 percent and generate about $100,000 a month in additional revenue to fund the projects.

The council plans include public comment, with a vote on purchasing the property from a private seller and possibly approving the tax, all during April.

EASTER CAKE FUNDRAISER                                                                     Posted 3.17.13

Celebrate Easter with a sweet treat! 

Delight your family and friends with a beautiful Easter Cross cake or a Funny Bunny cake ... or how about some adorable Easter cupcakes? 

All proceeds are donations for the park, and as you can see from all of the activity down there, we'll put funds to very good use! 

For more info and ordering, go to the Easter Cakes page in the navigation bar to your left.

QUARTERLY HOA MEETING SUMMARY                                                   Posted 3.15.13

A summary of the March 10th meeting discussion is now posted under the Quarterly Meeting page. 
Read it now.

NEIGHBORHOOD VANDALISM                                              Posted 3.10.13, Updated 3.14.13

Yellowleaf was struck by vandals last night who used red, gold and silver paint to spray several maiboxes, a driveway, a car and various Dogwood Creek park areas.  A sheriff's report has been filed for the park, and affected homeowners have linked to it by reporting their damage. Evidence has also been turned in on this criminal mischief.  If your property was affected, you can contact the Sheriff's Dept at 669-4181.

Update: because of cooperative efforts by numerous Yellowleaf neighbors and immediate action, the boys who did the vandalism were identified and confessed within 3 days. Restitution has been made for park damage and they have sincerely apologized for their mischief. It is truly gratifying to see how well our neighbors have pulled together as a cohesive team for the good of all who live here - that's one of the main reasons why our Yellowleaf neighborhood is so special!

HOA QUARTERLY MEETING                                                                       Posted 2.28.13

The next quarterly meeting will be held on Sunday, March 10th at 2pm. at the Chelsea Senior Center. Daylight Savings Time also starts that day, so don't forget to Spring your Clocks forward!

Directions to the Senior Center
From the subdivision entrance, turn right onto Hwy 39. Go 2.0 miles and turn right onto Hwy 36. 
Go 0.7 miles and the gray building is on your right. Hope to see you there!

NEW PARK BRIDGE GOING UP!                              Posted 1.5.13, Updated 1.20, 2.10, 2.25 & 3.04

Volunteers have been busy in the park building a new bridge across Dog-
wood Creek, about 3/4 of the way down toward Yellowleaf Creek. Work 
began in December 2012 and is still underway. Details are listed under 
"The Park" page.

As of Jan 20th, the south ramp is complete.  

As of Feb 9th, the north ramp is complete. 

As of Feb 25th, the 6 large railing sections are up.  

As of March 1st, railing connections on the small curves are installed and 
all rail work is complete. The bridge was pressure washed to remove dirt and 
mud ... lots of mud!
Remaining work: 2 coats of stain (1/2 of bridge has 1st coat)

A HUGE project ... if you haven't yet taken a walk to see it - it's an amazing new feature!  
Bob Kelley (project leader), Paul Garmon, Dave Garner and Matt Mellen have done an outstanding  job in building it ... their talent is extraordinary! 

Additional thanks to Charlie Pope (design consultation) and volunteer workers James Green, Pam Kimball, Brenda Mellen and Philip Patel.  And to Sally Kelley for feeding the crew with delicious red beans & rice, and sausage & chicken jambalaya!
                                                                                            CONSTRUCTION PICTURES

                                                                                    December 2012           Jan - Feb  2013

             VALENTINE BAKE SALE                                                                Posted 1.22.13

Time to make hearts happy with a Valentine cake or cupcakes, lovingly baked by expert neighborhood bakers - and delivered right to your door at a time that's most convenient for you!  

New This Year    

                             Chocolate Cake w/Chocolate Mousse & Raspberry Filling 
                             Covered w/ Chocolate Ganache & Fresh Raspberry Garnishes

Please visit the webpage under "Valentine Cakes" on the navigation bar to your left, especially if you are ready to order!  All proceeds go to Dogwood Creek Park projects.

NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED                                                                        Posted 1.22.13

The Yellowleaf HOA newsletter has been published with the most recent Yellowleaf happenings.  Don't miss the latest news!  Read it


Additional news items can be found in the archives below:

September - December 2012

July and August 2012

May and June 2012

March and April 2012

January and February 2012

November and December 2011

September and October 2011


March 10th             June 2nd            September 8th        December 8th


Quarterly meetings are held at the Chelsea Senior Center:  From the subdivision entrance, turn right onto Hwy 39.  Go 2.0 miles and turn right onto Hwy 36.  Go 0.7 miles and the gray building is on your right.  See you there!s
News Archive
Yellowleaf Ridge Estates Homeowner Association
                                                                                              Chelsea, Alabama